04 jul

Check this out! Produced and recorded by yours truly.


?Nouveau titre d'Eric Bibb : What's he gonna say today ??Les Etats Unis célébrent aujourd'hui leur Fête Nationale. C'est en tant que citoyen américain, qu'Eric Bibb prend la parole avec ce nouveau titre ?.Il s'inspire de Chinua Achebe : "Une démocratie solide et en état de fonctionner requiert une communauté éduquée et participative, et une direction éduquée et moralement fondée."

Slået op af DixieFrog Records i Søndag den 1. juli 2018

17 jun

Astner´s Guitars on tour! Come see us play!

Lüdenscheid, Germany – June 9th (With Eric Bibb)

Brighton, U.K – June 22nd (With Eric Bibb)

Tonbridge Wells, U.K – June 23rd (With Eric Bibb)

Eskilstuna, Sweden – July 4th (With Bronk and Ida Sand)

Narcao, Italy -July 20th (With Eric Bibb)

Pontinia, Italy – July 21st (With Eric Bibb)

Fiorenzuola, Italy – July 22nd (With Eric Bibb)

San Giovanni Aldarno, Italy – July 24th (With Eric Bibb)

London, U.K – August 2nd (With Eric Bibb)

Cambridge, U.K – August 4th (With Eric Bibb)

Marciac, France – August 5th (With Eric Bibb)

Roquebro, France – August 9th (With Eric Bibb)

Beautiful Days Festival, UK – August 18th (With Eric Bibb)

Eksjö, Sweden – August 24th (With Bronk and Per-Erik Hallin)

Stockholm, Sweden – August 25th (With Bronk and Per-Erik Hallin)

Västerås, Sweden – August 26th (With Bronk and Per-Erik Hallin)

Strasbourg, France – October 26th (With Eric Bibb)

Rhino Jazz, France – October 27th (With Eric Bibb)

Belfast, Ireland – October 30th (With Eric Bibb)